Efficiency assessment criteria for the social impact projects

  • Andreev V.A.

    Viacheslav A. Andreev. Vladivostok State University. Vladivostok. Russia


The article describes a basic approach to a methodology of assessing the social impact of the pilot social impact projects in the Russian Federation. The research method follows the analysis principles and interpretation of the legislative acts regulating implementation of the pilot projects. Used analysis of measures and forms of social impact, and a comparative analysis of implementation of the social impact
projects in the Russian Federation. The methodology includes the legal norms, criteria and algorithms for interpreting the data obtained, contributing to a true value of indicators, which describe development of the social sectors, verified with statistical data, population surveys and expert assessments. It is concluded that options of the methodological approaches for assessing effect of social impact depends on elaboration and consistency of legal acts in this area, on specifics of the transformational mechanism of projects, public policy goals, the number of recipients of social services, the state of the social infrastructure, and other factors. Proposed a comparative statistical approach based on comparison of statistical indicators characterizing the state of the object of assessment before, during and after the completion of the project, by comparable groups of service recipients and municipal leaders, in comparison with the values of social development indicators established by strategic planning documents.
Keywords: social impact, social effect, social public policy.
